EasyPost offers a customizable tracking page that can be sent to end customers. Each EasyPost shipment and tracker generates a unique URL, allowing for seamless branding and customer engagement.
Configuring the Branded Tracking Page
Access the Brand Setup Page
- Log in to the EasyPost Dashboard.
- Select Shipping Settings > Branded Tracker from the left menu.
Customize the Tracking Page
Adjust the settings on the Branded Tracker tab to reflect the desired branding elements:
- Theme: Choose from two layouts affecting the tracking status bar appearance.
- Logo and URL: Upload a logo and provide a URL to direct users when clicking on the logo.
- Name: Enter the company's name or the specific project/campaign.
- Color and Background Color: Adjust the text, tracking bar, and background colors.
- Ad Image and URL (optional): Add an additional image with an embedded URL for visibility.
- Preview: Review changes by clicking Preview in New Window.
Save: Select Save Brand.
Image Requirements
- Logo: Maximum size of 10MB in SVG, PNG, or JPG formats.
- Ad Image: Maximum size of 10MB, minimum width of 460px; 920 px recommended for high pixel-density devices.
Configuring the Branded Tracking Page via EasyPost API
For accounts with specific needs, such as child users, branded tracking setup is also available via the API.
Note: Using the EasyPost dashboard to preview the tracking page is recommended.
curl -X PUT https://api.easypost.com/v2/users/user_.../brand \
-d ‘brand[background_color]=#FFFFFF‘ \
-d ‘brand[color]=#303F9F‘ \
-d ‘brand[logo]=...‘ \
-d ‘brand[logo_href]=https://www.easypost.com‘ \
-d ‘brand[ad]=null‘ \
-d ‘brand[ad_href]=null‘ \
-d ‘brand[theme]=theme1‘
"color": "#303F9F‘",
"logo": "https://brand.easypostpartnercontent.com/(…).png",
"logo_href": "https://www.easypost.com",
"name": "My Account Name",
"ad": null,
"ad_href": null,
"object": "Brand",
"user_id": "user_...",
"background_color": “#FFFFFF”,
"theme": "theme1"