Learn how to access FedEx One Rates with the EasyPost API.
FedEx Rates
EasyPost offers direct integration to FedEx within our API. You can ship with FedEx One Rate as a FedEx Flat Rate with our API. The FedEx One Rate can be shipped with the predefined_package value set to a FedEx Flat Rate value outlined below.
When users rate FedEx packages via EasyPosts API, they will often see FedEx service names like:
Why do I not see FedEx One Rates when I rate shipments via EasyPost?
Many users wonder why they do not see any services called "FedEx One Rate." The FedEx One Rate is not a separate FedEx service type, but instead is a pricing schema FedEx has made to give flat rate prices when their end users have eligible packaging on their shipment. Users will not see rates with "FedEx One Rate" in the service name, instead, they will continue to see the regular FedEx services as noted, but the prices returned will be the proper FedEx One Rate prices for those services.
EasyPost users who want to declare that they are utilizing FedEx packaging eligible for FedEx One Rate pricing can use the predefined_package key as documented in the Parcels section of our API documentation.
Here is a list of available predefined_package names to get FedEx Flat Rate options:
- FedExEnvelope
- FedExBox
- FedExPak
- FedExTube
- FedEx10kgBox
- FedEx25kgBox
- FedExSmallBox
- FedExMediumBox
- FedExLargeBox
- FedExExtraLargeBox
Looking for more information about FedEx shipping with EasyPost? Check out our FedEx Guide.